Dalisor Wiki

Name: Garth Andells

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Species: Human with hints of Aldrenian Lineage

Location: Level A

Magic: None

Weapon of choice: Words.

Role: Councilman, in charge of intelligence gathering and research.

Description: Garth is a male in his thirties, with graying hair cut to frame his face and a gray goatee to match. Always in his finest clothes, usually a mix of waistcoat, trousers and leather boots, above which a longcoat matching the Royal Guard's uniform, although the interior trim was a deep plum. The latest in gadgetry was always on his body; a timekeeping device on his left wrist, A small box attached to his wrist whose tubing led to the small producer at his belt. Along his tophat sat his scoped monocle, a masterwork of chrome and gears. And of course, his walking stick was telescopic at the push of a trigger plate, allowing him to beat the common folk down. The only hint to his Aldrenian lineage were the claws sheathed beneath his human fingernails, able to push up and out, displacing the human nail.


Before Current Plot[]

Garth's grandfather was a full blooded Aldrenian, a race of scaled, feline-esque humanoids, looked down upon because of their lack of magic. That is, until Alathar's reign and the interest in the Aldrenian's skill with metals and energy. Alathar elevated the Aldrenian and it was Garth's grandfather who became the Aldrenian Councilman for the king. After intermingling with the humans, Garth's Grandfather died at the young age of 316. This lifespan did not affect Garth's father, Tilus Andells, who lived only into his 100's, living just into the modern age. Garth took the position of Councilman at the age of 20, and it was his innovation that created the extraction tube messaging system. This led to the new King placing him in the role of Spymaster, to all extents and purposes.

In Current Plot[]

Garth has so far busied himself with manipulating the power levels in Dalisor. He has aided Connor O'Daray's group of rebels, though to his own advantage, specifically in the disposal of the dangerous ATD. He has also made plans with Gretchen Acelin, hoping to move her to a higher position and with Escher Kettell, aiding the Mage Hunter in return for equal repayment.
